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CAMDEN COUNTY Republican Committee

  • 10-Oct-2021 10:17 AM | Anonymous member


    Kingsland, GA

    Oct 8th, 2021



     WHEREAS: Free and fair elections are foundational to the shining light that is the United States of America; and

    WHEREAS: It is our duty to protect the integrity of our elections at any cost, for without this we leave little hope for future generations and our country will be lost; and

    WHEREAS: There is overwhelming evidence that brings into doubt the results of the November 3rd, 2020 election in the State of Georgia, and the securing of our elections absolutely depends on properly diagnosing what went wrong in 2020;

    NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Camden County GA Republican Party supports full, independent forensic audits of the November 3rd election in suspect counties of Georgia, including (but not limited to) inspections of ballots and voting machines, as well as a canvass.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Camden County GA Republican Party calls on our legislature and other elected officials to call for these audits publicly and to take action to initiate these audits as soon as possible with everything in their power; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be posted in downloadable format on

    Passed by unanimous vote on Thursday, Oct. 7th, 2021

    Rachel Baldwin, EDS

    Chair – Camden County GA Republican Party Inc







    Media Contact:  Dr. Julia McCullough,

  • 14-Mar-2021 8:31 PM | Anonymous member


    For Immediate Release

    Camden County GA Republican Party, Inc.

    POB 5062

    St Marys, GA

    12 March 2021


    Camden County 2021 Republican Convention

    Saturday, April 17, 2021, the Camden County Republican Party will convene the Camden County Republican Party 2021 County Convention at the Public Service Authority located at 1050 Wildcat Drive in Kingsland.  Precinct Caucuses will begin at 9 AM to elect Precinct Leaders and Delegates and Alternates to the County Republican Party Convention. All Camden County residents who are legally registered to vote and believe in the principles of the Republican Party are urged to attend and participate in this process. Registration will open at 8:30 AM. Photo ID will be required.

     At 10:00 AM, the Camden County Republican Party Convention will convene following the Precinct Caucus meetings to elect Delegates and Alternates to the First Congressional District Convention and GA GOP State Convention. Additionally, the Convention will conduct all other business as necessary.

    No fee is charged to attend or participate in the Camden County Convention.  The locations of the district and state conventions are yet to be determined.  However, Delegates and Alternates elected to attend those conventions to be held respectively on May 15 and June 4 may be required to pay a fee to cover District and/or State convention costs. The purpose of the First Congressional District Convention will be to elect officers for the District and State Committee members to serve the next biennial term. Delegates and Alternates elected to attend the GA GOP State Convention will elect state party officers for the next biennial, in addition to conducting all other business as necessary. For further information contact Rachel Baldwin, Chair of the Camden County Republican Party at 912.266.4711,                                                                                                                                                             



    Media Contact:  John Royall 

  • 22-Nov-2020 6:17 PM | Anonymous member

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 

    Press Contact: Stewart Bragg

    Issues Public Letter to Secretary Raffensperger calling for signature match verification

    ATLANTA - Members of the State Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Party unanimously agreed to issue the following open letter to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: 

    Dear Mr. Secretary:

    As you are aware, we urged you during the general election to issue a bulletin authorizing our monitors to observe the absentee ballot verification process. This bulletin was regrettably not issued and we have grave concerns as to whether or not proper verification took place. 

    In Fulton County, two members of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections voted against certifying the returns of the election because of concerns over absentee ballot verification in that county. Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer and Congressman Doug Collins on behalf of President Donald J. Trump wrote to you immediately after the election requesting an audit of the absentee ballots cast in the 2020 General Election prior to certifying the returns. 

    On Friday, after you certified the returns without auditing the absentee ballots, Governor Brian Kemp publicly called on you to conduct an absentee ballot audit.

    We write today, as members of the State Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Party and citizens of the State of Georgia, to urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to order an immediate audit of the absentee ballots cast in the 2020 General Election. This audit must include verification of signature match.

    We believe an audit is imperative to assure the integrity of the election and restore the shattered confidence in our electoral system.


    State Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Party

    David Shafer, State Chairman
    Jason Thompson, National Committeeman
    Ginger Howard, National Committeewoman
    John Watson, Immediate Past State Chairman
    Carolyn Fisher, First Vice Chairman
    Brant Frost V, Second Vice Chairman
    Michael Welsh, Secretary
    B.J. Van Gundy, Assistant Secretary
    Joseph Brannan, Treasurer
    Vikki Consiglio, Assistant Treasurer
    John White, Parliamentarian
    Phil Lott, First Congressional District Chairman
    Brandon Phillips, Second Congressional District Chairman
    Mike Crane, Third Congressional District Chairman
    Rachel Little, Fourth Congressional District Chairman
    Brandon Seigler, Fifth Congressional District Chairman
    David Belle Isle, Sixth Congressional District Chairman
    Joel Natt, Seventh Congressional District Chairman
    Bethany Ballard, Eighth Congressional District Chairman
    Rebecca Yardley, Ninth Congressional District Chairman
    Karen Schwind, Tenth Congressional District Chairman 
    Brad Carver, Eleventh Congressional District Chairman
    Buck Moon, Twelfth Congressional District Chairman
    Bob Hinton, Thirteenth Congressional District Chairman
    Darrell Galloway, Fourteenth Congressional District Chairman
    Jason Shepherd, Cobb County Chairman representing large population counties
    Cathy Latham, Coffee County Chairman representing small population counties


    For questions, contact Stewart Bragg at (404) 500-9546 or

  • 12-Oct-2020 10:06 AM | Anonymous member

    The Camden County Republican Party hosted a TRUMP "Land Yacht" (golf cart) parade in historic downtown Saint Marys, GA

    Watch the parade

  • 06-Sep-2020 3:21 PM | Anonymous member

    A Trump Boat Flotilla will be leaving Howard Gilman Waterfront Park in St Marys for Fernandina at 9AM, September 26th.  Voter Registration, GOP Membership Drive, and Republican Women's Club will sponsor events in the Park from 9am to 12pm.   For further information regarding Trump Boat Flotilla contact Jerre Brumbelow at 912-882-3512. 

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PO Box 5062, St Marys, GA   31558


Paid for by the Camden County Republican Committee. Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee.

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